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3 Tips for Driving During Hurricane Season

3 Tips for Driving During Hurricane Season

When tropical storms or hurricanes loom in the Gulf of Mexico, roadways across coastal Texas become congested and more dangerous than ever. With potential for high winds, heavy rain, flooding, and tornadoes, residents are urged to stock up on supplies, refuel their vehicles, fortify their properties, or evacuate. Add to these actions rapidly changing weather conditions, and the risk of being involved in an auto accident increase significantly.

To help Texans navigate hurricane season with safety and ease, here are 3 Tips for Driving During Hurricane Season that could protect you and your loved ones.

3 Tips for Driving During Hurricane Season

1. Be Prepared

If you live in a hurricane- or flooding-prone area, be prepared in advance for hurricane season. Make sure your insurance policies are adequate and active, place important documents in a water-tight container and keep them with you, plan an evacuation route, and prepare an emergency safety kit. Some items you want in your emergency kit include:

2. Prepare Your Vehicle

While you and your family may have prepared your home and emergency kit, don’t forget to prepare your vehicle as well. Depending on your plans, you may end up spending a hours, or even overnight, in your vehicle. The following tips can ensure safety:

3. Drive Safely

Whether you are driving around town or waiting in line to evacuate, there are some very important driving tips you need to remember in order to keep you, your passengers, and others safe on the road. Consider the following safety tips:

Remember, you may not be able to control the actions and behavior of other drivers, but you can take steps to prepare yourself and protect yourself and your loved ones.

Are You Injured from an Accident During Hurricane Season?

If you have questions about automobile insurance claims or auto accident claims, contact Daic Law today for a free case review. Contact us by calling 877-893-6040, or email us at Daic Law helps victims of auto accidents, business disputes, and debt defense claims.


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