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3 Steps to Filing a FEMA Flood Claim

3 Steps to Filing a FEMA Flood Claim

Filing an insurance claim is complicated enough in the most basic of circumstances. When it comes to natural disasters and flooding, the insurance claims process can be an overwhelming mingling of laws, regulations, paperwork, and waiting. In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is highlighting 3 steps to filing a FEMA flood claim that can help simplify the process for Texas homeowners and put them on the road to relief.

3 Steps to Filing a FEMA Flood Claim

Follow these three easy steps to fill out your FEMA flood claim. Need more help? Contact Daic Law to speak with our insurance recovery attorney.

Step One: Notify Your Insurer

After flooding strikes, the first step is to contact your insurance provider (company or agent) to initiate a claim. When doing so, have the following items on-hand:

  • The name of your insurance company and agent or representative
  • Your policy number and information
  • A contact telephone number and/or email address

After initiating a claim, an insurance adjuster will contact you. This generally takes a few days, depending on the number of claims on their docket.

Step Two: Document the Damage

One of the most important aspects of filing a flood damage claim is documenting the damage done to your home or property. In order to make a decision, your adjuster will require evidence that you suffered damage in order to make an estimate. To document the damage, do the following:

  • Photograph all damage to property, including structures, standing water, discarded items, vehicles, etc.
  • Make a list of all property that has damage or is destroyed. To the best of your ability, note the date of purchase and value, and gather receipts if possible.
  • If at all possible, place flooded items outside your home. Officials often require disposal of flood-damaged items.

Step Three: Proof of Loss

A proof of loss is a document the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requires to substantiate your claim. Working alongside your adjuster, complete the proof of loss document(s) based on the terms of your insurance policy. You will have 60 days from the date of flooding to file the proof of loss. The time it takes to process your claim, negotiate, and pay the claim will largely depend on the severity of the flooding damage and the number of claims being processed at the time.

What Happens Next?

After you file your claim, you may find yourself waiting. After a natural disaster like Hurricane Harvey, many Texas residents are filing claims at the same time. If you are concerned that your claim has not been received or reviewed, contact your insurance company again. If your claim was denied, or you need help with the claims process, contact Daic Law.

At Daic Law, we are passionate about helping Texas residents recover from disasters in the best way possible. If you need help with insurance claims or appeals, we can help. Call us at 877-893-6040, or email us at At Daic Law, we help clients with legal matters involving insurance claims, debt defense, debt collection lawsuits, and business-related legal matters.


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